Personal Information

Name: Hayung Sbeyan (Please don’t call me “Mr. Sbeyan”, which is my father’s name, instead call my name “Hayung” is better.)

Research Interest: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Information Law

Last Update: 21-06-2024

Higher Education Background

Service Experience

  • Legal Analyst, Department of Plural Innovation, Ministry of Digital Affairs (Jun. 2023
  • Full-time Research Assistant at European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. (Sep. 2022~May 2023)


Chinese Publications

Journal Paper
  • Hayung Sbeyan, The Legal Research of Linked Files from the Databases of Health and Welfare Data Center Under Public Interest Article of Personal Data Protection Law, Science and Technology Law Journal, Vol. 13, pp. 145-169 (2021) (Double-blind peer review)
  • Hayung Sbeyan, Legal Research of the Application of the Database of Health and Welfare Data Science Center, National Chung Cheng University Master Thesis, 2020

Non-Chinese Publications



Council of Indigenous Peoples, Taiwan

  • Indigenous Peoples’ University and College Grants 5 Times
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Specialized Talent Scholarship: Master Admitted 2019
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Specialized Talent Scholarship: Master Graduated 2021
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Specialized Talent Award: Academic Research 2022

Ministry of Education, Taiwan

  • Scholarship of Government Sponsorship for Overseas Study 2020

Language and Other Ability

Language Certificated

Course Finished

  • Japanese N1

Other Certificate/Ability